
Monday, March 31, 2008


Con se quence
1.the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier: The accident was the consequence of reckless driving.

I have had trouble with my words lately but this one seems to be at the top of the list. God does not promise that he will take away the consequence of our sins he just says that he will forgive them. This is a very hard truth for me to swallow. I have been thinking about it for many days now. Over and over I keep thinking why won't God take away the consequence as well? If I truly am sorry and I truly repent, I feel the peace of the forgiveness of sin and then in some form or another I have to get ready for the consequence. It is interesting how God uses these consequences justly and perfectly to bring us back into relationship with him. For example if you sin and ask for forgiveness repent and then become sick because of the particular sin then you seek God to save you from suffering. Suffering is looked at by authors like Paul as an accomplishment. Its weird but I can see how Getting through a time of suffering caused by a consequence could feel like an accomplishment because now you will be closer to God. Yet that does not mean go out and sin and you will get closer to God. I have realized that I have committed every sin out there at least in my heart. Now it seems like it is a slow processes of figuring out what sins I have committed or what sins I am committing and repenting and then, going through the suffering of the consequence thus bringing me to my knees and bringing me closer to God by depending on him through the suffering. We can all chose to end the suffering in some instances or prolong it but I think a way to really mature in our faith is to face the suffering head on as if it were the race and at the end there is feeling of an accomplishment. This is one of the Biggest Bottlenecks to Jesus I have found yet.

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